الجمعة، 29 فبراير 2008

؟How can I improve my self esteem

There are many things you can do to improve your self esteem and here are a few ideas to get you started.
Focus on your achievements - if you take time to think you will realise that you have achieved so many things in your life. It doesn't matter what these achievements are only that they are important to you. List them and remember what they meant to you. It doesn't matter what you think about your life at present if you are honest with yourself you will make a long list and that will make you feel good. Every small thing you are proud of should be added to your list. The fact that you are focusing on positives will also help you to increase your level of self esteem.
Make plans for the future - following from above the next thing to do is stop wasting time and procrastinating get planning! What would you like to do but felt you
Couldn't? Time to decide for yourself that you will do it now! Make a list of things you want to do or want to change and start thinking about how to make a start. Then take a breath and just begin. you won't look back!
What you like about yourself - if you have low self esteem you probably keep reflecting on the things you don't like about yourself but if you reverse this thinking it is much more helpful. What do your friends like about you? have you ever asked them? After you have listed all the things you like about yourself then the negative things seem smaller and less harmful.
Be trust about your self .Letting others know your feelings, emotions and reactions, and having the confidence in them to respect you and to not take advantage of you. • Sharing your inner feelings and thoughts with others with the belief that they will not spread them indiscriminately. • Placing confidence in others so that they will be supportive and reinforcing of you, even if you let down your "strong'' mask and show your weaknesses. • Assuming that others will not intentionally hurt or abuse you if you should make an error or a mistake. • The inner sense of acceptance you have of others with whom you are able to share secrets, knowing they are safe. • The sense that things are fine; that nothing can disrupt the bond between you and the other. • The ability to let others into your life so that you and they can create a relationship built on an understanding of mutual respect, caring, and concern to assist one another in growing and maturing independently.
Accept yourself and who you are.
And there are many steps can improve your self esteem.

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